Mydas flies
Wing of male of Mitrodetus dentitarsus from Wilcox (1981, fig. 14) Mydidae,Manual of Nearctic Diptera , Ottawa, p.533-540, (1981)[3].
Wing of male of Nemomydas pantherinus from Wilcox (1981, fig. 13) Mydidae,Manual of Nearctic Diptera , Ottawa, p.533-540, (1981)[3].
Wing of male of Heteromydas bicolor from Wilcox (1981, fig. 12) Mydidae,Manual of Nearctic Diptera , Ottawa, p.533-540, (1981)[3].
Wing of male of Opomydas townsendi from Wilcox (1981, fig. 11) Mydidae,Manual of Nearctic Diptera , Ottawa, p.533-540, (1981)[3].
Wing venation of Rhaphiomidas. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.
Wing venation of Mydas. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.
Wing venation of Miltinus. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.
Wing venation of Leptomydas. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.
Wing venation of Dolichogaster. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.