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DrawWing software automaticaly describes insects wings and helps to identify them.

Aldrichia ehrmanii, wing


Wing of female of Aldrichia ehrmanii from Hall (1981, fig. 17) Bombyliidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.589-602, (1981)

Systropus macer, wing


Wing of male of Systropus macer from Hall (1981, fig. 16) Bombyliidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.589-602, (1981)

Dolichomyia, wing


Wing of male of Dolichomyia from Hall (1981, fig. 15) Bombyliidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.589-602, (1981)

Toxophora virgata, wing


Wing of male of Toxophora virgata from Hall (1981, fig. 14) Bombyliidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.589-602, (1981)

Lepidophora lutea, wing


Wing of female of Lepidophora lutea from Hall (1981, fig. 13) Bombyliidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.589-602, (1981)

Paracosmus morrisoni, wing


Wing of male of Paracosmus morrisoni from Hall (1981, fig. 13) Bombyliidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.589-602, (1981)

Amphicosmus elegans, wing


Wing of Amphicosmus elegans from Hall (1981, fig. 11) Bombyliidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.589-602, (1981)

Trichopsidea clausa, wing


Wing of male of Trichopsidea clausa from Teskey (1981, fig. 3) Nemestrinidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.585-588, (1981)

Ogcodes albiventris, wing


Wing of male of Ogcodes albiventris from Schlinger (1981, fig. 27) Acroceridae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.575-584, (1981)

Ogcodes eugonatus, wing


Wing of male of Ogcodes eugonatus from Schlinger (1981, fig. 26) Acroceridae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.575-584, (1981)

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