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chironomids, non-biting midges

Prodiamesa olivacea, wing


Wing of male of Prodiamesa olivacea from Oliver (1981, fig. 9) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Pseudodiamesa arctica, wing


Wing of male of Pseudodiamesa arctica from Oliver (1981, fig. 8) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Trichotanypus posticalis, wing


Wing of male of Trichotanypus posticalis from Oliver (1981, fig. 7) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Parochlus kiefferi, wing


Wing of male of Parochlus kiefferi from Oliver (1981, fig. 6) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Monopelopia boliekae, wing


Wing of male of Monopelopia boliekae from Oliver (1981, fig. 5) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Arctopelopia, wing


Wing of male of Arctopelopia from Oliver (1981, fig. 4) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Psectrotanypus dyari, wing


Wing of male of Psectrotanypus dyari from Oliver (1981, fig. 3) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Procladius freemani, wing


Wing of male of Procladius freemani from Oliver (1981, fig. 2) Chironomidae,
Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.423-458, (1981)

Chironomidae, wing


Wing venation of Chironomidae. Terminology based on McAlpine Manual of Nearctic Diptera,
, Ottawa, (1981)
[2]. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.

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