Wing of female of Stenotabanus flavidus from Pechuman and Teskey (1981, fig. 39) Tabanidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.463-478, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Diachlorus ferrugatus from Pechuman and Teskey (1981, fig. 38) Tabanidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.463-478, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Haematopota americana from Pechuman and Teskey (1981, fig. 36) Tabanidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.463-478, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Chrysops cincticornis from Pechuman and Teskey (1981, fig. 35) Tabanidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.463-478, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Silvius quadrivittatus from Pechuman and Teskey (1981, fig. 33) Tabanidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.463-478, (1981) [1].