Wing of female of Leiomyza laevigata from Sabrosky (1981, fig. 7) Asteiidae,Manual of Nearctic Diptera , Ottawa, p.899-902, (1981)[1].
Wing of female of Phlebosotera setipalpis from Sabrosky (1981, fig. 6) Asteiidae,Manual of Nearctic Diptera , Ottawa, p.899-902, (1981)[1].
Wing venation of Phlebotera. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.
Wing venation of Leiomyza. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.
Wing venation of Astiosoma. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.
Wing venation of Asteia. The image was drawn by Giancarlodessi.