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DrawWing software automaticaly describes insects wings and helps to identify them.

Melitta leporina


Wings of Melitta leporina from Michener (2000, fig. 66-1a)

Xylocopa tabaniformis


Wings of Xylocopa tabaniformis from Michener( 2000, fig.86-2)

Xeromelecta californica

Wings of Xeromelecta californica from Michener (2000, fig. 175)

Deltoptila montezumia


Wings of Deltoptila montezumia from Michener (2000, fig. Fig_111-1b).

Lipotriches australica


Wings of Lipotriches australica from Michener (2000, fig. 61-1a).

Allodapte mucronata

Wings of Allodapte mucronata from Michener (2000, fig. 28-4c)

Anthophora occidentalis

Wings of Anthophora occidentalis from Michener (2000, fig. 111-1a)

Chrsocolletes moretonianus


Wings of Chrsocolletes moretonianus from Michener (2000, fig.38-8a)

Epeolus Cruciger

Wings of Epeolus Cruciger from Michener (2000, fig. 175)

Augochlorella striata

wings of Augochlorella striata from Fig_63-5b

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