Wing of female of Gonomyia (Gonomyia) subcinerea from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 54) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Gnophomyia tristissima from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 53) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Gononyia (Lipophleps) sulphurella from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 52) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of female of Limnophila (Phylidorea) adusta from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 49) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of male of Austrolimnophila toxoneura from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 48) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].
Wing of male of Pseudolimnophila noveboracensis from Alexander and Byers (1981, fig. 46) Tipulidae, Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Ottawa, p.153–190, (1981) [1].