Wing of Diptera from McAlpine (1981, fig. 67) Morphology and terminology - adults,
, Ottawa, p.9-63, (1981)
A1, A2 - branches of anal veins
C - costa
Cu - cubitus
CuA1, CuA2 - anterior branches of cubitus
CuP - posterior branch of cubitus
M1, M2, M3 - posterior (cectoral) branches of media
MA - anterior branch of media
R1 - radius
R2, R3, R4, R5 - posterior (sectoral) branches of radius
Sc - subcosta
h - humeral cross-vein
m-cu - medial-cubital cross-vein
m-m - medial cross-vein
r-m - radial-medial cross-vein
sc-r - subcostal-radial cross-vein
a1, a2 - anal
bc - basal costal
bm - basal medial
br - basal radial
c - costal
cua1 - anterior cubital (cubital fork)
cup - posterior cubital
d - discal
dm - discal medial
m1, m2, m3 - medial
r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 - radial
sc - subcostal
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